Hazards for your Roof

Your roof is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of your house or building. Roof refers to the top covering of a building and includes all the materials and constructions that are necessary to support itself on the walls of the buildings of the upright.
The roof provides protection against weather such as rain, snow, sunlight, wind and even extreme temperatures. It serves as drainage – to keep the water out of the building or the house and to insulate or control the temperature of the house or building itself.
The roof material and slope are different from one place to another. The material depends on the climate of which the building of the house in which it is located. This is due to the fact the some of the material is much more suitable to be used in a certain climate.
We have listed the list of roof care and hazards that might threaten your roof dependable on the material that you use for your roof:
Asphalt Shingles
This is one of the most popular roof material that is used. They are low cost, resilient and easy to install. They are quite easy to maintain and routine maintenance can be done easily.
There are a few practices that should be carried to keep the longevity of the roof. Asphalt shingles should be washed regurarly. After cleaning the dirt, minimize the pressure so that the roof will not get damaged.
Bleaching is another way to care for the asphalt roof. Asphalt roof is prone to algae and moss growth. With bleaching, the growth of moss and algae can be kept into a minimal level. Bleaching will also remove stains from the roof.
Another alternative to bleaching is placing zinc strips. It can be placed on the peak of the roof and when it rains, the strip would get washed off to the roof. It will prevent algae and moss growths.
Metal Roof
A metal roof is of the coolest roof material that can be used. Although for places that get quite a lot of rain precipitation, the metal roof can be a little bit noisy then. They come in different types of metals such as aluminum and steel. They are very ideal for the flat and steep roofline. Their durability is not questionable, and tend to last for a longer time.
This roof requires very minimal maintenance. To care for the metal roof, the owner of the building or the house needs to schedule regular cleaning of the roof. Like any other metal, moisture and water deposits are very detrimental to the health of the roof.
They have to be checked thoroughly for holes, gaps or even loose screw and nails, especially after heavy snow storms and severe winds.
Tile shingles
One of the most traditional and beautiful tile material, they are synonymous with colonial Spanish architecture. The roof is typically made of clay and terra cotta and can last up to fifty years. The tile shingles need regular cleaning to maintain to keep its aesthetic appeal and free it from moss, stains, and mildew.
This type of roof however needs a professional for maintenance and installation. The tile tends to la last longer in a clean environment. The easiest form of care that can be provided by the owner of the house or building is pressure washing it regularly in intervals of six to eight months.
After cleaning, it is suggestible to apply coat paint. This will help bring the lustre and shine out of the tiles. A regular inspection has to be done as well to notice any shingles that had gotten loose and fell out of place due to strong wind and elements of weather.
Wood Shingles
This type of roof is also another traditional roof that is commonly used. This material appeals aesthetically and is very durable. It could last up to fifty years if it is given proper care. The most common types of users that are used for roofing are cedar and redwood. They are hard and can withstand harsh elements of weather. They are also light and highly resistant to decay.
The common problems that wood shingles have are fungi growth and wet and dry cycle of wood and water. When the wood is exposed to moisture or water, it tends to swell and when it dries up it will shrink back. This swelling and shrinking back up cycle cause cracks and can become a source of leakages and fungi growth.
To ensure the longevity of the roof, it is important that the roof is cleaned regularly and ensure that to remove leaves or trees that are in close proximity to the roof. Tree branches are the source of constant water from dew and rain which can bring damage to the roof.
Bleaching can be done as well. It will help improve the colour and protect against fungi attacks. Zinc strips can be placed on the peak point of the roof. This will ensure further protection against the growth of algae. Wood shingles only need regular inspection and good wood coat to protect it from water and fungi attack.
Fiber Glass Roof
This type of roof is one of the most durable, strong and long-lasting roof material that exists in the market. It is also very pocket-friendly for most of the builders. Most of the fibers glass roof can be maintained the same way as the asphalt shingles are maintained.
It is very important that the roof is free of dirt. Zinc strips can be used to prevent the growth of moss and algae. Bleaching it on a regular basis can help the roof maintain the colour and wipe off stains. However, maintenance care has to be done by professionals to prevent damage to the roof.

In Awe Roofing Limited is an Award-Winning, family owned and operated Vancouver Roofing Contractor with over 17 years of roofing experience. We serve the entire Lower Mainland area, from Whistler to Chilliwack, employing a team of professional staff members. Our team has won numerous awards including Best of Homestars for the last five years, and Three Best Rated six years in a row. Learn more