Why Hire a Roofing Specialist This Spring

The roofing is the area of ​​your home that is the most exposed to exterior nuisances. Therefore, care must be taken to avoid irreparable damage.

Cleaning your roofing is essential to guarantee its effectiveness over time. Indeed, pollution and bad weather cause the appearance of mosses and lichens and this contributes to the degradation of your roofing. This makes it less resistant and less efficient in the face of external aggressions.

Moss Control

Moss is a plant that thrives in damp and cool areas. When roofing is filled with moss, it can be unsightly and repulsive. Likewise, operationally, foams keep your roof from looking its best.

As it grows on your roofing, moss will start to reach the underside of your tiles or slates. This will cause a slight spacing of your tiles. The consequences can be disastrous since these gaps can lead to leaks. This can lead to mold and therefore a loss of the efficiency of your roofing.

Besides, in the event of a strong wind, your tiles may have to move due to weakening. This can cause part of your roofing to break and a loss of comfort in your home. If this is the case you risk paying a very high price for the repairs.

Roofing defoaming therefore protects against mosses and lichens by removing them with a water-repellent anti-foam treatment. It is a product that preserves your roof against humidity and protects your roof against water infiltration. For this, hydro-mousse will make your roofing waterproof and hydrophobic. Thus, the water from the rain will be enough to clean it afterward.

To remove moss from the roofing, you must have specific tools and be vigilant about the height of your roofing. Therefore, it is recommended that you hire roofing cleaning professional.

Before Cleaning the Roof

Do not rush into roofing cleaning without having compared the prices on the market. This way, you can compare and verify that the provider you want to use is reliable. To be sure, you can take a look at the different opinions on the internet (social networks, google, forum).

Several platforms are made available to Internet users to express their opinion on service providers. You can also contact the specialist in question directly for more information. Or in the best case, go there if you are near the agency.

To have a better chance of receiving the best rates, do not hesitate to search several days in advance for the possible promotion.

Professional Roof Defoaming

Even if you think you can clean your roofing yourself, it may be better to hire a professional. He will bring you his knowledge and know-how so that you have the best possible service.

The roofing cleaning specialist has already encountered cases like yours since he is used to working on this type of trail. Depending on his prognosis, he will be able to carry out the work by choosing weather conditions in line with the roofing cleaning.

Besides, the professional will know exactly which products to use and which treatment to do, for example, high-pressure cleaning which requires being at a certain distance from the tiles. Otherwise, it can negatively impact the waterproofing of your roofing.

It is recommended to defoam the roofing every two years for roofing less than 20 years old. For those over 20 years old, it is best to do this every year.

The professional has the appropriate machines and tools to thoroughly clean your roofing. Even if you can do the cleaning yourself, the work of the certified professional will always be more relevant. Indeed, the cleaning action of their treatment will overcome the parasites that are on your roofing. In addition to the cleansing action, you may benefit from a long-term protective action.

What Products Are Used for Roof Cleaning?

We recommend the use of a high-quality product like “BÔ-TOIT” in France. This is a treatment that radically removes mosses and lichens. It is an effective product thanks to its curative and persistent action (over a certain period).

It is a product that does not attack your materials (tiles, slate, etc.). It will keep and bring out the quality of your media. Thus, it is not composed of acid, nor of chlorine product, nor caustic soda.

However, before applying this product we recommend cleaning your roofing. In this way, the product will be impregnated more quickly and its action will be more efficient.

Risks without Water Treatment

If you do not protect your roofing with a water repellent treatment, rainwater can become embedded in your tiles. In fact, during extreme temperatures such as in winter, this water freezes and leaves room for cracks which will require a change of the roofing.

With good treatment, your roofing will no longer be at risk of being in this kind of situation since the cleaning will be done in-depth. This way your tiles will be smooth and water will slide off your roofing simply without infiltration.

Gutter Cleaning

When you plan roofing cleaning, you can also take the opportunity to clean your gutters. As with cleaning a roofing, cleaning requires being at height. It is therefore recommended to call in a professional for reasons of safety and efficiency. Cleaning gutters is done using a spray that you can inject over your entire roofing. Afterward, the product should be left to act quietly (approximately 24 hours). With the water repellent treatment, you don’t need to rinse, but you still have to check it at the end of the operation.

It is important to take precautions before wanting to clean yourself because this is an area of ​​expertise. Calling in professionals is recommended to avoid any accident or bad operations.

Then, the use of products adapted to your case will be easier. Since the specialists have mastered their subject, they will be able to advise and support you.

To get the best value for your money, you can compare different roofing cleaning quotes.

Finally, be careful to select a service provider who has the criteria you are looking for to match your needs; Help yourself by the various presentations on the internet.