Complete Guide to Waterproofing Your Home

Waterproofing your house as itself stated by the name is a simple process to make the foundation, basement, floor, and other ceiling portion water-resistant. This will prevent all kinds of water leakages in almost every corner of your house. Waterproofing makes your house strong enough to bear even a high water pressure. There are several types of waterproofing that protect your concrete from mold formation and dampness. Waterproofing comprises

– foundation waterproofing

-basement waterproofing

-bathroom/ kitchen waterproofing

-Terrace waterproofing

All these different types of waterproofing is necessary for every house because we know all the houses have different sections in them. So, make sure every corner of your house is waterproof else even a single leakage can destroy the foundation. So, you can follow up the rest guidelines as mentioned here.

What You Might Have To Face Without Waterproofing

It is the fact that you get to know about the importance much better when you have to face the scarcity. Not having a waterproof house will lead you to many impediments. The most basic drawback is that you might have to face low structural strength. Your house would not have enough strength to stand firmly. Along with it, mold formation and another kind of formation of structural deformation caused by dampness in the house can even ruin the structure to the worst condition. This can also make your house appear as a haunted one due to the faded paint colors and mold formation in all the corners.

Apart from the structural deformities caused by the lack of waterproof material. It can also lead to damage to household things such as the frames on the walls, electrical appliances, etc. These things can either get ruined by water leakages or by the moistures in the walls.

How Waterproofing Helps You

  • Waterproofing leads to a strong and rigid structure of your house. The structural formation of the house gets even stronger after getting waterproof. Not even this, it increases the strength of the house to resist water in it.
  • It will prevent mold formation. The dampness caused by increased moisture in the house can cause several molds, mildews, etc which are not good to look but more primarily health hazardous. This can cause several skin infections and even sometimes other diseases. So, in this way waterproofing helps you to sustain a healthy life in your house.
  • It will increase the property value. The better is the condition of your property, the more it will attract the dealers with high value. Anyone can pay you the right value of your property if it is in good condition. So, here is how waterproofing helps you to get the right value of your property even with an increased rate.
  • It keeps your family and households safe and secure. All the home appliances and the other such products many times get damaged by getting wet through wall dampness and water leakages in your home. Once you are done with the waterproofing of your house you need not worry about your home appliances as they are going to be safe now from every possible damage.

Things to Consider When Waterproofing Your House

  • Before waterproofing your house the main thing that you must have to do is to find out all the holes, cracks, and leakages in the house and fix it up by filling the concrete. This will ensure the strength of your house and consider it to be stronger.
  • Once you are done with the cracks and holes you must now ensure that you have removed all the necessary appliances from the house. It means the area of the house which you want to waterproof should be emptied and all the other households should be securely taken off from there.
  • Another most important thing to consider before waterproofing begins is to clean the surface where you have to do the waterproofing. Make sure that the surface is clean enough with no dust particles and other dirt impurities. This is done to ensure that not a single piece of first will later try to tear up the wall by getting in contact with moisture.
  • You also at this time consider the old oil paints which are falling out. You have to clean up all those and try to make the surface on one level. The better option will be cleaning the surface with water and soap to remove all the possible dirt particles.

What Is The Aftercare Of Waterproofing?

Once you are done with waterproofing your home, the work does not end up here. Now you have to start taking some precautions so that your house that has recently been waterproof will retain it.

  • You must have to prevent stagnant water to reach your home since these are the main reasons for mold formation which further deteriorates your house and is health hazardous as well.
  • Even after the house is completely waterproof, you have to timely check out the leakages and cracks if there are any being generated because it is possible due to some faults in the work.
  • Do not use DIY sealants without consulting any professionals. Because these quick temporary fixes will result in future expensive repairs of the foundation.
  • Although you might be a great plant lover, you should not plant any of the plants near the found because some of them have the strength to tear out the wall or the foundation to grow there. So, better you get a garden for this.

Thus, it relies on what condition of your house you want. If you are alert enough about the condition of your home then you must be planning to make it waterproof. So, here was everything explained about waterproofing your hose and how to take care of it. If you follow up with all the required criteria then you do not have to struggle much to keep your house safe.