When to Repair and Replace your Fascia Board

Fascia gives beauty to your home and roofs. Although, it cost you some dollars yet it is not a bad thing to spend some dollars on it. However, sometimes due to various reasons, the fascia got damaged and the beauty of your home fades away. In these situations, you sometimes can not decide whether to repair the fascia or to completely replace it. After proper and careful research work on the topic of fascia, we have gathered some useful information which will help you to solve your problem to decide whether to replace or repair the fascia of your roof. In addition, we will also discuss several useful methods which you can use to change the fascia of your roof on your own and also how can you save your fascia from damage. So, keep reading the article if you want t know about all the aforementioned things.
Animals, hot temperatures, fungus, and also bacteria are some of the common things to be held responsible for the damage to the fascia.
Animals Shelter
Sometimes, the birds try to make their nest on your fascia, for this purpose, they damage the woods of the fascia trying to make a comfortable nest for their family. In this case, the particles of wood start falling and the fascia got damaged. Now, it is your responsibility to check out birds’ nests. If the damage is not drastic, then it is suggested to repair the damaged part after the birds leave their nest. However, if the damage done by the birds’ nest is larger, it is suggested to take the help professional. He will examine the damage and then will act accordingly.
Bacterial Infection
When our roofs wet, because of the severe rain and then due to less exposure to sun light then it favours the germ like fungus and algae to get in and make damage our roofs’ fascia. To save yourself from such kind of situation you have to take care of several things. First, make sure that proper sunlight is falling on your roof. It will help you to keep your roof dry and there will be less chance of bacterial infection. In addition to this, you can also use an anti-bacterial spray for the maintenance of your roof. Use the spray once a month. The spray would not cost you that much, as compared to when you have to replace the whole fascia.
Cracks Due to Temperature
As the fascia of your room are exposed to the open environment. Extensive rain can also be sometime harmful for the fascia as it will keep the roof wet. In addition, Changing the temperature maybe sometimes cost you. In countries, like those of middle east and Caribbean where the sun got mad in summer is also not friendly for the fascia of a roof. where the heat are high. And The high temperature can damage your fascia. The hot temperature makes cracks in the fascia of the roof. In this case, check out whether the cracks are large or minor. If the cracks are minor then just repair the minor part instead of replacing the whole fascia. On the other hand, in case of larger damage, it is suggested to call a professional to repair or replace the fascia for you.
Check out for Holes
A small hole in the roof can cost you more dollars. It will allow the water to get in and keep the fascia wet. So, the bacteria can easily attack a wet roof. To avoid this, examine your roof every month. Smaller holes in the roofs can be repaired easily by sealing them. If the holes are larger then you have to replace them. Usually, when you have to replace the fascia the gutter also need to be replaced. It cost almost 4000 to 5000$. However, the price range may vary in various countries. Also the price depend upon the quality of woods and other materials required. The better the quality, the more will be the price.
Should you repair the damaged Fascia by yourself?
The homeowner should avoid repairing the damaged fascia of their roof by themselves unless they are professional in it. Repairing fascia is a high risking process specifically when the house is more than one story. Due to our non-professionalism, minor mistakes can cause us severe damage. It is therefore advised to take the help of a professional to repair or replace your fascia.
Things You Required If You want to repair Fascia by yourself
If you can not afford a professional or he is busy with his other work and you have to do it by yourself then there are various things you should take care about. The far most important thing is your safety. In addition, you need to wear two gloves and also you have to take the help of one large ladder and other necessary equipment based on the types of fascia you are using in your homes.
Importance of Using Fascia for your Roofs
We spend thousands of dollars on the beautification of our houses. Fascia is also key material that increases the glamorous of a home. Most homeowners use fascia for aesthetic purposes because it attracts the eye. However, along with this, fascia also gives strength and extended the life span of a roof and gutter. It holds the gutter of your roof which helps you keep safe your roof from water. It can bring more stability to your Roof. It also covers up the holes in your gutter or roof. There are many types of Fascia choose the one which suits you the best.
In the conclusion section, we would suggest you if you do not have any basic knowledge about roof fascia, as most of the home owners even can not find it out, which is a common thing, you should better take help of the expert. Even, it will be further good, if you regularly check your fascia by the expert once a year.

In Awe Roofing Limited is an Award-Winning, family owned and operated Vancouver Roofing Contractor with over 17 years of roofing experience. We serve the entire Lower Mainland area, from Whistler to Chilliwack, employing a team of professional staff members. Our team has won numerous awards including Best of Homestars for the last five years, and Three Best Rated six years in a row. Learn more