The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Roof Repair

Everyone wants to save money in all possible ways. With proper maintenance of your commercial roof, you can save a lot. The proper maintenance of your roofs can not only save you more money but can allow you to work properly or run your business without any disturbance in your company. By proper check and balance, you can elongate the lifetime of your roof. The hot sun, extreme rain, fungus etc can damage your roof and can cost you more money, if you don’t look for it. A small leak can sometimes be lethal for your roof that will compel you to change the whole system. Unfortunately, due to our busy schedule, we don’t look for these things unless they break into parts. It the end due to our negligence we suffer and lose our money. Below are the things you should know about your commercial roof before making your decision whether to repair it or replace it.
Age / Timespan
Different commercial roofs have different life spans. The average life span of a commercial roof is range from 20 to 50 depending upon the type of roofing system you have installed in your company. If the age of your commercial roof is less than 20, and it got damaged then it is better to check out for the damage size. If it is a small hole, it is better to repair it. Similarly, if fungus attacks your roof before its lifespan time again it is advised to use anti-microbial spray it. It will not only kill the germs but also ensure future safety. Therefore, due to avoid such circumstances, you should spray your commercial roofing system after every five to six months. In addition, if your roofing system is exposed to severe heat, it may cause coercion. To avoid this, it is better to paint your roof with white colour instead of any other. However, if your roofing system is damaged near to its lifespan time, then you should better replace it instead of spending money on repairing. Don’t spend money on repairing because it will only lost for two to three years.
Large hole/Severe damage
In case the damage done to your commercial roof is severe irrespective of its time, you should better replace it. Also, you can take advise from an expert. He will examine the damage and then will suggest you what is better either repairing or replacement.
Proper Roof inspection
Before deciding between repairing or replacing your commercial roof, a proper inspection is necessary. You should analyze all the factors properly. You should check out for the holes, fungus attack, gutter damage and all other components of a roof. If you are a homeowner and have no knowledge about commercial roofing, you should better seek help from a professional.
Reputable Expert for Commercial Roofs
When finally you have made a decision about the replacement of your commercial roof system and want to install a new one, the first step is to search out a reputable expert. You will find a lot of people or business companies who will provide the services of replacing commercial roofing but don’t make a decision in hurry. Take out some time and discuss your company style and your budget with them. Never give preference to money over quality. Those will provide you with the service at a cheap price and will also deliver you the low quality work. We don’t use roofing or install commercial roofs on your business rooms for one or two years. It is used for more than 30 years and maybe up to 50 years. So, it is better to make an appointment with the best and most reputable professional for the replacement of your commercial roof. Ask him about his previous work that where he has provided his services before. Check out his portfolio and visit the places or companies where his company has installed the commercial roofs. Ask the owner of the company about the quality and performance of the roofing system installed by the person you are going to hire for your own. Although, the process is a bit time taking but still it is better to give some time to this process. In addition, if you can sacrifice your more time, you should also check out for the competitors of the company you are hiring for your roofing system. Also, visit the company where the competitors have provided their services. Then make a comparative analysis among them. And then take the final decision of hiring one. Don’t be simply impressed with their Photoshop work. Discuss in detail your budget and the type of commercial roofing system you want to install in your company.
Things to check out after the Replacement
Once you have assigned the work to a company of your commercial roofing system and they did it. Then hire another expert at a low price and examine the work done by the company. If there is any flaw or the expert is not satisfied with the work done or material used in the repairing or replacement of the commercial roofing system, you should better contact the person or the company you hired for the job. Tell them about the flaws in the work done and ask them for correction. Also, don’t forget to sign any warranty or guarantee card or documents. Keep it in a safe place. In case the roofing system gets any damage before the warranty time, you don’t need to hire a new person for it. Pick up your phone and be aware of the damage. They will come and will repair the damage.
Install the best commercial roof based on your location
As there are many types of commercial roofs available in the market. Sometimes you get confused about which one to be used. If your budget is low, then you should also use the shingle roof for the commercial roof. Although, generally shingles roofs are for residential purposes nowadays companies also use them for commercial purposes. In case you want to install a commercial roofing system that works for a long time, then it is advised to use the metal commercial roofing system because its lifetime range is up to 50 years. PVC roof can also be installed if you ate living in an area there is heavy rain. Because PVC roofs have water-absorbing ability.

In Awe Roofing Limited is an Award-Winning, family owned and operated Vancouver Roofing Contractor with over 17 years of roofing experience. We serve the entire Lower Mainland area, from Whistler to Chilliwack, employing a team of professional staff members. Our team has won numerous awards including Best of Homestars for the last five years, and Three Best Rated six years in a row. Learn more